

thailand trip day 3 and last

march 7, 2010

our thailand trip last day tour.

agenda for the day:
elephant camp
floating market (ratchaburi, not sure though)
snake farm
tiger temple
bridge over river kwai

here are some photos i took during the trip! :D

floating market thailand, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Darwin, on our way to the floating river center.

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
sweet coconut, anyone?

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
souvenirs being sold at the floating market.

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
center of the floating market.

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography

floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
happy lady selling mangoes at the floating river. thailand's green mangoes, must try!

sweet coconut thailand, floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
sweet coconut with ice cream! must try in thailand.

thailand noodles, floating market, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
authentic thailand noodles. yummy!

handicrafts, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography

handicrafts, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography

handicrafts, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Joyce, with elephant handcrafted wooden statues.

handicrafts, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Darwin, with elephant handcrafted wooden statues.

handicrafts, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
awesome handicraft work..

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
lazy tigers at the tiger temple.. oh, that's me, btw. LOL!

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
another sleeping tiger.

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Joyce with a cub.

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
monk, young tiger and, a tourist.

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
tourist petting a young tiger.

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Darwin with the well behaved young tiger..

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
cow having a meal threatened by Darwin? LOL!

tiger temple, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
the cow just ignored Darwin and continued with its meal..

bridge on the river kwai, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Joyce and Darwin with the bridge over the river kwai in the background.

bridge on the river kwai, thailand, kenneth yu chan photography, kenneth chan photography
Darwin and Joyce on the bridge over river kwai..

all photos are taken and owned by Kenneth Yu Chan (c) 2010.

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