


aura: anxious
audio: jimmy eat world - hear you me

quicksand.. i've heard bout it in a movie once.. one character feared of it.. coz everytime he's in a hard situation, he becomes more anxious, and the more he struggles, the more he fails..

i guess he's right.. a lot of us fear of it.. i've encountered it a couple lot of times in my life.. the more i struggle, the faster and the more it consumes me.. maybe it's better to just let things be when you're in one hell of a situation.. you can't control everything.. things change... most of the time, the more i struggle, the more things get worse and more complicated..

when your'e in it, the more you stay still, the more time it will need to consume you compared to when you're struggling... it could give you more time when you stayed still.. and just let things be the way they really are.. the way things should be..

sometimes, maybe it's best to just let things go..

1 comment:

ji said...

easier said than done :p